Friday, March 5, 2010

Seussical 3-4-10 6:30 Second show

The second show came faster than I thought it would, and before I knew it, I was back in costume (and make-up). We got together for a group picture, warmed up, and then it was time for places. As everyone else is getting in character (something I pride myself on being able to do very quickly), I paced the floor thinking of my schemes for the night... I need three lines: a talk show line for what's coming up next, a line as I come from around the flat to wake Jojo, and something for the auction. Hmmmm...... think, think, think.... that's the whole idea of the show!
-Talk Show line: "...we'll be right back with cooking with Sam-I-Am, he's got a meal I think you're gonna love...I myself do not like it, but I think you will..."
- Coming from behind the flat: "Jojo, you will not believe what I saw on Mullberry Street!" And if I hadn't run into the stairs as I was saying it I might have had a great line there... I woke Jojo with a kazoo, playing a few notes from the song "A Day for the Cat in the Hat" from the Broadway production of Seussical.
-Auction: "...if you act right now we'll throw in a Sour Kangaroo...girl can sing!"
Four shows left, and Friday's show is coming up fast!

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