Thursday, March 4, 2010

Seussical 3-3-10 10:30am School Show

Considered to be our final dress rehearsal (although with an audience) things went relatively well. The audience wasn't as responsive as I'd like, but you can't have it all...
The past few days we've been rehearsing in costumes, I've had some issues with one of my quick changes. I play an Auctioneer, exit the stage then have to change (in roughly 20 seconds) into Jose (Mayzie's cabana boy), I then have to suddenly change into a circus barker (a la W.C. Fields) For this I had my circus barker coat on under the Hawaiian shirt used for Jose and, on cue, I would spin, take off the top layer, and be the barker.... didn't quite work like I'd, as of this performance as Mayzie is singing, I walk behind a flat, where someone is waiting with by barker's jacket, I take of the Jose shirt, put on the other jacket, and I, on cue, jump out from behind the flat and go into the next set of lines. Works much better!
Also in the number "Biggest Blame Fool" I appear as a talk show host, whom I have deemed "Dr. Feline McCat" (dragging out the first name to make it sound like Dr. Phil), this character brings one of my many times for ad-libs. As I sign off I say "...we'll be right back with ___ and speck, clover, dust, neighbor, who...." I plan on reporting all of these ad-libs here, for future reference. This time through I said "we'll be right back with a performance by Kevin, Nick and Joe Wickersham..."
Almost time for the next show, boy, I need a nap! Stay tuned!

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