Sunday, July 15, 2012


     I have been drawing for longer than I can remember, my mom still has some of the drawings I scribbled was a 2 year-old (I won't be showing those off here). For as long as I can remember I've had stacks of spiral-bound notebooks all over the house. I'll fill one up, tear out the good stuff, throw the rest away, and start with a whole new set of ideas...some of my best puppet/character ideas have come from random drawings I've done at 2:00 am, in the middle of a church service, or on a road trip... Never know when inspiration might strike! I'll draw almost anything: cartoon characters, animals, celebrities...when I was 10 my mom tried to sign me up for art lessons, but I refused to take them, because I wanted to draw what I want, and a bowl of fruit just didn't hold my attention....
        Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Calvin and Hobbes, and Garfield where an addiction for a while, I even created my own comic strip "ARTernate REALity", and wrote some 2,000+ strips...I still have those...somewhere....

         One day, I hope to illustrate children's books... Yeah, I have a lot of dreams, deal with it!

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