Thursday, January 6, 2011


            After an exhausting Christmas holiday I am back. I have made a resolution to try and stay up-to-date on the blog, here... but like my resolution to finally lose that extra 20 pounds I've been carrying around since the baby, it might not last too long...
Let's see what's happened since my last post....
                1. Anc Ministries held the first EVER AnC CHRISTmas show, we found/learned/wrote a record 12 songs in 2 weeks!
               2. AnC performed in Columbus at "The Big Event: Comedy Night" a great charity event, with Illusionist Frankie Elliston (he was on AGT last season), and stand-up comic Sam Beman. Thanks to Sam for recommending us and getting us the gig!
              3. I was one of the leads in the Christmas production at Lafayette Heights... "The Joy Story" was a musical about a special toy store, "...where the toys are for sale, but the joy is free". I was the villain who now owns the lease to the store and wanted to take over and make the store my own. My character, FAO Schmaltz, and his son Jennings (played by my buddy Chase Golden, who was on his knees the whole show with fake legs and feet (very hilarious)) had big plans to take over the store and sell our own merchandise there, but we were told "The Joy Story" AKA The Gospel and we were changed for the better.
             4. Auditions for Alice in Wonderland, with AACT (where I did Seussical), were the first week of December, and I was very fortunate to receive the roles of The White Rabbit, and The White Knight, as well as getting to build a number of puppets/costume pieces/props for the show!
             5. If you search YouTube for "The Puppet Improv" you'll find the channel for a new web series... The Puppet Improv features a cast of all-original characters (Hermie, Penny, Zeke, Trixie, and a slew of others) is a sketch-show format. Music videos, parodies, mock-infomercials, and a whole bunch of other great stuff in that show (even if I do say so myself)! Check it out!
             6. Ah, and last, but certainly not least.. I shall soon be traveling to a "wonderland" of my own! For I am making my first trip to The Big Apple, that's right! New York City! 4 days! Two Broadway shows! (I'll post about both of them here afterward!) It's going to be quite an adventure in a city that doesn't sleep! I'll be sure to post about it upon my return (after my nap, that is)
           Well, that's pretty much all.... yeah, right ALL.... for today. Stay tuned for more fun to come!

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