Friday, March 4, 2011

March 2, 2011 pm: Opening Night

So, even though our first audience didn't do too much for our spirits, we were all still quite excited for opening night. So, before we knew it (and after a nap) we were back again, ready for the show to begin.
And the crowd was great! The laughed in ALL the right places (and then some!)
My only complaint for this performance comes late in the second act... as The White Knight, I, after a quite comedic scene, give Alice a lift to the 8th chess square (all of Wonderland is a giant chess board after all). To accomplish this Alice jumps on my back, piggy back style, and I gallop away on my broomstick horse (with a kick stand!)
As part of my costume, I wear a tool belt with a roll of duct (duck?) tape, a paint brush, and a wooden mallet on it, but one night during our final dress rehearsal Kati had issues hanging on because of that darn roll of duct tape, so from now on I make sure I shift my belt to the side so she won't have that problem again, however it caused me a problem when I performed a stunt. I get thrown from my horse, whom I affectionately refer to as Buttercup, Buttersworth, or Fredrick, and get thrown to the ground. On this night I'd already shifted my belt and I came down on the wooden mallet..hard.
But I couldn't dwell on my pain, because hey, we had a show going on! So I kept going, and got through the show, it wasn't until I was in the dressing room changing that I realized I was still quite sore for the fall... I've done stage falls before; Milky White the cow's death, and a few more in some workshops, but I'd never landed on a hammer before... that was something new!
But other than a slight bruise, the show was great! Got a lot of good reactions (during and after the show), and I don't think it could have gone better!
Six more shows to go, and the end is in sight...

March 2, 2011 am: School Show

What can I say about our school show? Well, I suppose I'll just quote the audience on this one...

...Exactly. We heard very little from this audience; not to say they didn't enjoy the show, they just didn't give us much response during the performance, and that can be slightly discouraging.... but we did the show, despite the crowd's non-reaction.
Let's see... did anything funny, odd, or just plain wrong happen during the show? Ah, yes! So, at the beginning of Act 2 Alice (Kati Judd) meets up with Mouse (Stuart Bell), and Mouse begins telling her "tail", (clever pun, no?) but just as she gets started Mouse is interrupted by a Card Soldier (Mitch Warren) doing battle with The White Knight (me). So I am doing some stage combat with a wooden sword and a plunger, (The White Knight is a handy man, of course.. I also find plungers humorous) battling the Soldier who has only a wooden sword to defend himself (ha ha!) As we are battling his sword spontaneously combusted.. well, not really, it just broke. BUT shards and wood dust did fly out. So, being quick about it, I up looked at him and said: "Now I've got you! You sir, are my prisoner!" A line I was supposed to say anyway, but this made it even more effective. And the audience had no idea this wasn't supposed to happen, ah, the joy of live theatre...
            We hang up our costumes, and head out, knowing that we'll be back in a few hours to do it all over again!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcome to Wonderland...

I can't believe it's been a year since Seussical... seems like only yesterday... actually no, it doesn't, I remember yesterday, we had our final dress rehearsal for Alice in Wonderland, riiiiight.
Yes, it is true, we open tonight. But this morning (EARLY this morning) we are giving a special "school show", which is basically our first, and only, preview performance. I'm not sure of how many we're expecting for this show, but most of our other performances are sold out, which is quite exciting.
It's also going to be a bitter-sweet week/weekend, for this is my last production with AACT's children's theatre. I'm not going to cry..... I'm not going to cry.....
Either way, I'll keep the blog updated with news, stories, pics, and anything else I want ('cuz hey, it's my blog!), so stay tuned for more to come!