Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer Madness!

I don't like to be bored during the summer, but it doesn't even look like I'll have time this year.
Let's see here, first off I am directing a play, for the second year in a row, I might add! It's titled Beauty IS a Beast, right away the title caught my attention, but upon reading I found it was nothing like the show I'd been in a few months earlier. It's a comedy about a beautiful Princess who has a very bad attitude, after the Princess loses her temper, her Fairy God Mother turns her inside-out (ugly on the outside, good on the inside). Auditions were held last week for this 15 person show, for which there were only 9 kids that tried out! Another round of auditions will take place this week in hopes to find (at least) 6 more kids...gulp!
What else is happening..... ah, yes! I will also be performing at a few local libraries this summer as part of their Summer Reading programs. I've sold four performances of "Avery Jones and the FUN Machine" a show full of music, comedy, and of course ventriloquism. I'm quite excited about these (paying) gigs!
Also, the last three weeks in June Anc Ministries will be performing at three different Vacation Bible Schools! More publicity, and a chance to perform in a church where I've always wanted to perform!
We're winding down here, but there's still more excitement to go! At the end of July, AnC will be performing in what we're promoting as: LIVE in Concert! at our home church! Exciting stuff!
Two days after the concert, I will be traveling to Shocco Springs in Talladega, AL to perform with my dad at a kid's camp (for the 5th year in a row)!
To the best of my knowledge, that's all I have going on this summer.... yeah right, ALL I have going on..... I'm going to need a nap....